Well hello my dear QoUI friends, and welcome to a late Friday post, it’s currently ten of eleven at night, I’m watching Fever Pitch on cable and enjoying it (I forgot how cute this movie was, though I would love to see the original with Colin Firth again, too) I’ve had a snack of cheese and crackers and I’m sitting here all alone.

Why, you ask? Well, The Hubby is feeling under the weather, he’s been in bed since we got home from spending the price of a car on groceries, I woke him about an hour ago and had him chug some NyQuil in the hopes that A- he’ll get some decent rest and B- he’ll get better faster.

So here I sit at our makeshift desk (which is in fact a folding table) with a full tummy a decent movie on and my Hubby snoring in the other room. LOL

We got some not-so-great and not-do-horrible news today from housing here on campus, I won’t get into the details since they’re pretty personal and pretty sad, but fingers crossed that someone will help us eventually before things get worse than they already are.

So tell me readers, what’s on tap for your weekend? We don’t have much going on, The Hubby and I, he has two tutoring gigs (one with his sister via webcam), and Saturday evening I’m meeting The Hubby’s friend and his friend’s girlfriend, we’re meeting for coffee or some other arbitrary thing to see if we think we can put up with each other in an apartment. We shall see how that goes. Hopefully we wind up doing something fun this weekend, I could really use a boost of fun after the month from hell that was November.

Alright kiddies, I’m off, I will try and update tomorrow night after I’ve met the friend/girlfriend and give you the details about that. Have an excellent weekend my dears!

Christine — aka QoUI 🙂